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Why, What and How Of Machine Learning?

修改2020-04-17 18:11:23
修改2020-04-17 18:11:23

Why do we use machine learning?

Nowadays, machine learning has started to restructure the way we live, and now it's time to understand why it matters.

Machine learning is a branch of AI(artificial intelligence) that helps a system to learn and improve from experience and already provided data sets. The primary focus of machine learning is to train the pc programs to access the knowledge and use it for learning. Artificial intelligence is a broad science of learning and acting like humans, machine learning is the subset of AI that helps a machine how to learn.

The main motive is to allow the machine to learn on their own with data sets, examples, direct expertise, or instruction, so as to appear for patterns in knowledge and build higher selections within the future supported the examples that we offer. If we can combine machine learning with artificial intelligence and psychological feature tools, it will help in processing massive volumes of data.

What is machine learning?

Machine learning is a branch of artificial intelligence and it is used to create intelligent machines by the use of enormous amounts of data.

In machine learning, various algorithms are used to make the machines-smart and the data is used to teach the machines to show results when different constraints are provided.

The huge amount of data helps the machine to be trained, to work closely to human brains. The power of machine learning clearly lies amongst the self-teaching algorithms which study the data and learn how to improve the results.

Nowadays machine learning is widely spread amongst different branches ranging from finance to healthcare and a lot more.

In today’s world, these machines or robots have to be programmed before they start following your instructions. But what if the machines start learning on their own from their experience, work like us, feel like us, do things more accurately than us? These things sound fascinating, Right? Well, just remember this is just the beginning of the new era.

When we hear that a machine learns, we have an affinity to mean that the machine is ready to predict from samples of the desired behavior or past observations and knowledge.

If you are willing then you can join Intellipaat's Machine Learning Course to start a career as a Machine Learning Engineer.

How does machine learning work?

The machine learning algorithm is trained using data sets to make predictions and if the predictions are suited or accurate then the algorithm is used otherwise the machine learning algorithm is trained again and again with more data.

Machine learning algorithms are categorized in two types:

1.) Supervised

Supervised algorithms require a data scientist or data analyst with skills to help the algorithm for predictions by providing both input and output data. This helps in furnishing the accuracy of the predictions during algorithm training. Once the training is complete the algorithm will apply what is learned by the training.

70% of machine learning is supervised learning.

2.) Unsupervised

Unsupervised algorithms(neural networks) do not use the output data set, instead, it uses the iterative method called, deep learning. These algorithms are used for complex tasks like image recognition, speech to text and more.

10-20% of machine learning is unsupervised.

Neural networks work by combining millions of data sets and automatically producing results according to the relation between many different variables. These algorithms are widely used in the field of big data as they have a massive amount of training data available to them. Once the algorithm is trained, it can be used to interpret new data.


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